Reporting Child Abuse:

Call Childline — 800-932-0313.

Available 24 hours a day to receive reports of suspected child abuse.


Official Lancaster County C.A.S.E. logo

The Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation (CASE) is a national campaign created by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to engage elected officials and educate communities on issues related to the sexual victimization of minors and its prevention.

Lancaster County has taken the lead of increasing awareness about these issues by adopting CASE and mobilizing our community. The County has established a task force to help raise awareness and increase education in the County about these issues. Additionally, the Lancaster County CASE Task Force will provide tools and resources to communities, families, and children to minimize the risks and encourage preventive behaviors in the community.

The issue of child sexual victimization is an under-recognized and under-reported problem. One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually victimized before they reach adulthood. Unfortunately, less than 35 percent of these crimes are reported to law enforcement. The Lancaster County CASE Task Force is here to give these children a voice and protect the children of our community.

C.A.S.E. Members